Optimize the profitability of your supermarket,
by monitoring your KPI’s in real time.

With our advanced solution you will be able to drive growth in key metrics such as sales, improve profit margins and effectively monitor your competitors’ pricing and promotions at store level in real time.

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A dashboard showing product price analysis, including average price evolution by origin and category, products with and without promotions, paid ads visibility by retailer, and promotions by product and retailer.
A color-coded map of Spain shows variations in product pricing, exemplified by Camembert cheese. A specific postal code is highlighted with its corresponding price.

Monitor prices and promotions on a daily basis at store level

  • Improve your competitiveness and optimize margins by adjusting prices quickly and efficiently in each store.
  • Maximize your sales impact by applying location-specific promotions and adapting your strategies to local behavior.
  • Minimize lost revenue by identifying and adjusting incorrect pricing or poorly executed promotions.
  • React in real time to changes in demand and local events, maintaining a dynamic pricing strategy.
A color-coded map of Spain shows variations in product pricing, exemplified by Camembert cheese. A specific postal code is highlighted with its corresponding price.

Maximize ROI by monitoring competitors

  • Identify market opportunities by analyzing your competitors’ prices and promotions in real time.
  • Adapt your strategies in a proactive way and reduce customer churn by offering competitive and relevant pricing.
  • Anticipate trend changes in your assortment and adjust your offer to capture a larger market.
  • Increase customer loyalty by optimizing your value for money with a data-driven strategy.
Image of a graph or chart comparing product prices at different stores
Table displaying out-of-stock products at various points of sale, including "Philadelphia 350g" and its corresponding rankings.

Develop an effective assortment by monitoring news and trends

  • Meet the changing needs of your customers by identifying emerging trends and adapting your assortment accordingly.
  • Select the products that will have the greatest impact on sales by continuously monitoring industry preferences and launches.
  • Enhance customer experience by offering an innovative and updated assortment that drives loyalty and satisfaction.
  • Monitor MDD product launches and accelerate your innovation based on benchmark competitors to maximize the competitiveness of your MDD references.

Table displaying out-of-stock products at various points of sale, including "Philadelphia 350g" and its corresponding rankings.

RDP: Retail Data Platform

Total flexibility to provide useful information to your company

price and promotion monitoring

Our BI Data Explorer will allow you to:

  • Cross-reference and analyze in a 100% flexible way all the product and market information available.

  • Create reports and charts for any team or profile in your company, so you have actionable insights for every part of your business.

Let’s speak in your language

Integrate all your company’s data into flipflow

Get 100% of your data available on a single platform.

Save time and make better decisions with all your context available.

Intgración de datos de la empresa a la plataforma de flipflow

Una plataforma para unirlos a todos

Queremos que flipflow sea una herramienta estructural y el cerebro competitivo de tu compañía, increíblemente útil a lo largo y ancho de toda la empresa. Nos utilizan desde científicos de datos hasta responsables comerciales en su día a día, gracias a informes y alertas personalizadas.

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