Project Description

Online personal care, competitors at bay

Case Study | Retail | Beauty & personal care

E-commerce leader in health and beauty, with an extensive catalog of items, manages to control its price competitiveness product by product thanks to the implementation of a market analytics tool.

Girl cleaning her face with unilever logo

1. Challenge

Managing a huge catalog of tens of thousands of products becomes an impossible task to handle without the right tools to do so. Being clear about competitiveness, reference to reference, and maximizing sales and margins in this scenario with a correct pricing policy, is tremendously costly without technology.

The leading health and beauty e-commerce started using flipflow with the main objective of controlling its extensive product catalog and being able to monitor prices one by one. It was unable to do this manually due to the sheer volume of data involved. As a result, it has been able to create a pricing and assortment strategy that allows it to stay competitive.

Dashboard market analytics pet
Monitored Websites
Data capture/month
Teams using flipflow

2. Solution

Daily overview of competitor prices

Thanks to flipflow, the Spanish health and beauty company has daily price information on its main competitors in the sector.

Impacted teams:



Dashboards market analytics
Tablets con dashboards

Daily monitoring of product availability

In addition to prices, through the BI platform, they can monitor the availability of their competitors’ products on a daily basis, and thus activate mechanisms that allow them to remain at the forefront of the market.

Impacted teams:



Tablets con dashboards

Repricing automation

Moreover, through the use of flipflow’s platform, they have also automated reference-to-reference repricing in their e-commerce, ensuring maximum daily competitiveness per product in the 9 countries where they have a presence.

Impacted teams:



Dashboard Market Analytics

3. Results

Since the implementation of flipflow, the leading e-commerce retailer of health and beauty products has experienced an improvement in revenue by setting prices that are fair and competitive with other companies in the sector.

The use of flipflow has also increased the margins they make on the sale of their products by optimizing pricing when products are below market.

Lastly, thanks to flipflow they can reprice against 11,000 competitor sites across Europe, something that would not be possible without such a tool. They now have daily updated and historical data on prices, promotions, images and content for greater sales efficiency.

Icono subida

Annual business revenue increase

Icono bajada

Increased margins

Icono bajada

Full control of 11k competitors

3. Results

Since the implementation of flipflow, the leading e-commerce retailer of health and beauty products has experienced an improvement in revenue by setting prices that are fair and competitive with other companies in the sector.

The use of flipflow has also increased the margins they make on the sale of their products by optimizing pricing when products are below market.

Lastly, thanks to flipflow they can reprice against 11,000 competitor sites across Europe, something that would not be possible without such a tool. They now have daily updated and historical data on prices, promotions, images and content for greater sales efficiency.

Icono subida

Annual business revenue increase

Icono subida

Increased margins

Icono subida

Full control of 11k competitors

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“Flipflow allows us to react from the sales department and ensure our offer in all channels by having our assortment available and without stock-outs in any postal code in Spain. Its daily use ensures that we don’t lose sales due to stock and assortment shortages.”

“In our case we analyze the products of our categories in 45 retailers in 9 countries to have quality information that we use in competitive manufacturing trends for customers, knowing the average price per gram of many products per country and we also detect potential winner products to add to our offer.”

“We have really noticed the improved control over our recommended prices. Manually it was impossible to maintain a price corridor on so many online channels and that brought us a lot of friction. Now we detect unauthorized sales and sellers on marketplaces that cause us conflicts with our customers.”

“We can analyze our own and competitors’ price movements on a daily basis and have improved our revenue by adjusting prices on a daily basis in terms of pricing and promotional strategy.”

“This is definitely the future of retail. Flipflow gives us an improvement in the quality and structure of the information and considerable savings over traditional market research from well-known consulting firms that sell aggregate data without detail including information we don’t need.”

“Flipflow is core to us in setting prices on a daily basis for more than 60,000 SKUs and maintaining our automatic repricing system in a very competitive industry.”

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